My A Levels 2009

In spring 2009 I graduated from German high-school and of course I took my camera with me. I filmed the days of examination and the A level party and produced a movie. During the party I used the camera crane which resulted in really awesome pictures :-).

Something interesting about the background story of the film’s creation: Our first A level party was canceled due to a school shooting menace (which would later turn out as having been a hoax) and was replaced by a storming of the school by the police. According to a police officer the balloons of our decoration caused serious problems to the police special force – spontaneously bursting balloons were responsible for one or more adrenaline rushes and they had to destroy a serious number of them to access the teachers’ lounge.

Fortunately we were able to postpone the party and had it two days later, after the building was thoroughly checked. The student who had announced the shooting only because she wanted a day off, was identified.

Nicolas Rocker, Nicolas Pilia (filming) |
Philipp Hasper (filming, editing) |

N.T. – A commercial

I filmed the clip “N.T.” (N.T. is a phonetic wordplay for the German word for duck) in the context of the Ehre und Karriere contest 2008. 17 companies, among them Sony, Mini and Bacardi organized a competition for creative filmmakers, producing their own commercials. Visit for further information. With over 700 contestants participating, we reached the shortlist (Top 14) but unfortunately didn’t win a prize.
Our clip is based on my idea for the wheat brand “Snow Wheat” and was filmed with the Sony HC7E and my camera crane.

Patrick Herrle (cast) | Nicolas Rocker (assistant, set) |
Philipp Hasper (director, filming, editing) | Michael Donner (music) |
Snow Wheat (bread) | rye bread (stunt bread) |

Hobson 2008

Hobson 2008 is a program suite which simplifies the selection of classes for German A levels. It replaces the current paper-based system by a web interface for the pupils and a management application for the school’s administration. Pupils can submit their course selection online while the administration is able to process the data and export them to third-party programs such as lecture-planning software.

Every 10th grader is assigned an account with which they can authenticate in the web interface to update their personal information whenever necessary, and finally make their course choices according to the limitations set by the Ministry of Education (the standard limitations are those of Rhineland-Palatinate).

Hobson Screenshot 1 Hobson Screenshot 2 Hobson Screenshot 3

The project was created as part of a school project and was developed together with Oliver Klupp. Those interested in the software can get an idea by downloading the (German) manual.

DIY camera crane

During 2007 my father and I developed and self-constructed our very own camera crane. It is about 6 meters tall and has a motorized remotehead plus a small control screen for the camera’s view. Without pilots and prototypes we would have had to spend about 400€ though the real costs were much higher.

Camcrane whole Camcrane operator

The camcrane’s main component is a common 5 meter flagstaff. The joint for pan and tilt of the staff is a swivel castor wheel bolted directly onto a strong tripod. On the flagstaff’s upper end there is a servo-motor-driven remotehead that can be controlled by a joystick attached to the other end of the flagstaff. The joystick was taken from an RC car’s control.  The camera’s picture can be observed live through a small monitor near the stand.

Camcrane gears Camcrane height

The flagpole consists of multiple segments which can be disassembled. This has the advantage of easier transportation, although it takes longer to set up – especially the trapezoid which levels the head as well as the horizontal cross booms need to be connected every time. The remotehead is designed for the Sony HC7, so a notably bigger camcorder may not fit and could affect the stability of the crane. To support power to the remote head and the display, we used two 9V car batteries which (together with a bar-bell) also acted as counter-weight.
Feel free to contact me if you have questions or if you want to use the crane in your project! Building one yourself based on our learnings will take some time but it is doable.

You can get an idea of the crane’s capabilities by watching the following clip (in the end, there is also footage showing the remote head in detail):

In the time since the construction of the crane, it had multiple appearances in my film projects: It contributed to several advertisement videos, filmed a school party and also was part of a documentary about a brass orchestra. Nowadays, you might probably use an off-the-shelf camera drone, but back then this crane really elevated the video quality and allowed entirely new perspectives.

I need H.E.L.P

I need H.E.L.P. (High-End-Lautlos-PC – translates into High-End-Silent-PC) is a jump&run-game telling the story of a poor computer modder fighting against out-dated technology to reach his aim – the H.E.L.P. .

The game was created during a creativity competition managed by CHIP-Online. They assembled six different personal computers (a gaming pc, a home theater pc, …) and asked their community to apply for one of them in a creative way. I need H.E.L.P. was my application for the “Lautlos-PC” (a completely passive cooled and therefore almost soundless computer).
Accidentally I won this computer. My complete application (in German) can be found here. The game is compatible with Wine.

I need H.E.LP. Screenshot 1 I need H.E.LP. Screenshot 2 I need H.E.LP. Screenshot 3