Using cv::putText is cumbersome and placing your text at the correct position with the correct size is hard. Here is a wrapper function dealing with all of this for you. The text is fitted inside the given image, even multiple lines are possible and everything is nicely centered.
void ioxp::putText(cv::Mat imgROI, const std::string &text, const int fontFace = cv::FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, const cv::Scalar color = cv::Scalar::all(255), const int thickness = 1, const int lineType = cv::LINE_8) { /* * Split the given text into its lines */ std::vector<std::string> textLines; std::istringstream f(text); std::string s; while (std::getline(f, s, '\n')) { textLines.push_back(s); } /* * Calculate the line sizes and overall bounding box */ std::vector<cv::Size> textLineSizes; cv::Size boundingBox(0,0); int baseline = 0; for (std::string line : textLines) { cv::Size lineSize = cv::getTextSize(line, fontFace, 1, thickness, &baseline); baseline += 2 * thickness; lineSize.width += 2 * thickness; lineSize.height += baseline; textLineSizes.push_back(lineSize); boundingBox.width = std::max(boundingBox.width, lineSize.width); boundingBox.height += lineSize.height; } const double scale = std::min(imgROI.rows / static_cast<double>(boundingBox.height), imgROI.cols / static_cast<double>(boundingBox.width)); boundingBox.width *= scale; boundingBox.height *= scale; baseline *= scale; for (size_t i = 0; i < textLineSizes.size(); i++) { *= scale; *= scale; } /* * Draw the text line-by-line */ int y = (imgROI.rows - boundingBox.height + baseline) / 2; for (size_t i = 0; i < textLines.size(); i++) { y +=; // center the text horizontally cv::Point textOrg((imgROI.cols - / 2, y - baseline); cv::putText(imgROI,, textOrg, fontFace, scale, color, thickness, lineType); } }
This is how you use it and how the results look like:
cv::Mat outputImage(360, 640, CV_8UC3); outputImage.setTo(0); ioxp::putText(outputImage, "Short text"); cv::imshow("text", outputImage); cv::waitKey(0);
cv::Mat outputImage(360, 640, CV_8UC3); outputImage.setTo(0); ioxp::putText(outputImage, "Some longer text, even with\nmultiple lines spread over the whole image"); cv::imshow("text", outputImage); cv::waitKey(0);
cv::Mat outputImage(360, 640, CV_8UC3); outputImage.setTo(0); ioxp::putText(outputImage, "\n\n\nEmpty\n\n\nLines\n\n\n"); cv::imshow("text", outputImage); cv::waitKey(0);
By using the Rectangle accessor you can define exactly, which part of the image the text should be placed in:
cv::Mat outputImage(360, 640, CV_8UC3); outputImage.setTo(0); ioxp::putText(outputImage(cv::Rect(0, outputImage.rows / 10, outputImage.cols, outputImage.rows / 10)), "Text placed in the upper\n10 percent of the image"); cv::imshow("text", outputImage); cv::waitKey(0);