Tag Archives: Gitlab

How we organize a small development team with minimal overhead in Gitlab

At ioxp we develop a novel way of sharing knowledge using Augmented Reality, AI and Computer Vision to change the way how industries operate. Our ecosystem consists of many different tools and technologies – the AI backend, Hololens apps , Android apps, a web-based editor and cloud services – so we are very dependent on an efficient way to organize our developers and their different, often overlapping sub-teams.

And after all we are a startup and engineers by heart – we have to keep the balance between a thorough designed process and the creative freedom needed to explore and create new things.

This post will concentrate on how we facilitate developer communication and team work using features of the DevOps tool Gitlab, factoring out all other important stages like product management, planning or sprint planning. It is an excerpt from our internal Handbook (naturally hosted as Wiki in Gitlab) and describes the process I have designed and implemented together with my team.

The development process is primarily guided by issues and their three most important attributes: labels, assignees and related merge requests. It uses as little as 10 different issue labels and is divided into six stages:

Continue reading How we organize a small development team with minimal overhead in Gitlab

How we keep an eye on our internal infrastructure with Gitlab – automated!

At ioxp, Gitlab is our tool of choice to organize our development. We also use their Wiki tool for our employee handbook and this is where we also have a list of all our internal services to maintain an overview about what is deployed, why and where. It looks like this:

To a) check that every service listed there is reachable and thus b) checking that the list is up-to-date (at least in one direction), we added a special Gitlab CI job which curl’s them all. This is its definition inside our main project’s .gitlab-ci.yml:

The script

Internal IT Check:
  needs: []
    GIT_STRATEGY: none
    WIKI_PAGE: IT-Address-List.md
    - apk add --update --no-cache git curl
    - git --version
    - git clone https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}@${CI_SERVER_HOST}/wiki/wiki.wiki.git
    # Scrape the URLs from the IT wiki page
    - cd wiki.wiki
    - |
      urls="$(cat $WIKI_PAGE | grep -Ev '~~.+~~' | grep -Eo '(http|https)://([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+.~#?&/=]+)' | sort -u)"
      if [ -z "$urls" ]; then echo "No URLs found in Wiki"; exit 1; fi
    - echo "Testing URLs from the Wiki:" && echo "$urls"
    # Call each URL and see if it is available. set +e is needed to not exit on subshell errors. set -e is to revert to old behavior.
    # Special case: As one of our services does not like curls, we have to set a user agent
    - set +e
    - failures=""
    - for i in $urls ; do result="$(curl -k -sSf -H 'User-Agent:Mozilla' $i 2>&1 | cut -d$'\n' -f 1)"; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then failures="$failures\n$i - $result"; fi; done
    - set -e
    - if [ -z "$failures" ] ; then exit 0; fi
    # Errors happened
    - |
      errorText="ERROR: The following services listed in the Wiki are unreachable. Either they are down or the wiki page $WIKI_PAGE is out-dated:"
      echo -e "$errorText\033[0;31m$failures\033[0m"
      curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data "{ 'pretext': '${CI_JOB_NAME} failed: ${CI_JOB_URL}', 'text': '$errorText$failures', 'color': 'danger' }" ${CI_CUSTOM_SLACK_WEBHOOK_IT} 2>&1
      exit 1

Script Breakup

  1. Gitlab wikis are a git repository under the hood. You can clone them via <projectUrl>.wiki.git (The URL can also be retrieved by clicking on “Clone repository” at the upper right on the wiki main page
  2. The URLs are extracted by grepping the respective markdown page for http/https links: grep -Eo '(http|https)://([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+.~#?&/=]+)'
  3. To ignore deprecated links (strikethrough in the wiki), we exclude them before with grep -Ev '~~.+~~' and to filter out duplicates we use sort -u afterwards
  4. Each found URL is then called via curl:
    • -k disables the TLS certificate verification if you use self-signed certificates and haven’t installed your own root CA.
    • -H 'User-Agent:Mozilla' was needed because one of our services didn’t like to be curl’ed by a non-browser so we dress up as one.
  5. With set +e we prevent that a subshell error (i.e. the curl) makes the Gitlab job exit with a failure prematurely as we want a list of all errors, not just the first one.
  6. If any error is found, a post containing the list of unavailable services is sent to our IT Slack channel using their webhooks.

Gitlab Preconditions

To run this job in a fixed interval, we set up a scheduled pipeline, running every day at two in the afternoon. The schedule has the variable CI_CUSTOM_ITCHECK defined so the job’s only: selector fires (see in the script above). All other jobs of our pipeline are either defined to not run under schedules or not when the variable is defined (using the except: selector).

Gitlab Icon

Gitlab pipelines only/except for WIP merge requests

At ioxp we automate our continuous integration using the awesome Gitlab project. However, their model of when testing jobs run on commits induced quite a heavy load on our testing servers. So we were very delighted when pipelines for merge requests were introduced in Gitlab 11.6.

We then configured our testing to run with


However, our development process (more on that in a later post) recommends:

If a developer starts working on an issue, they have to

1. (if not already done) assign them
2. Create a branch starting with their two-letter initials, like ph/purposeOfTheBranch,
3. Open a new WIP merge request mentioning the issue to mark that it is currently being worked on. As the Merge Request window even offers a small button to automatically append this prefix, the workflow is quite easy here.
4. Assign themselves to the merge request because they are currently responsible for it

We do this to have a nice overview about what is currently going on and to discuss about unfinished work. However, our only:merge_requests became useless now – as every implementation starts with a merge request, the pipelines are immediately started wasting CI time.

Luckily, variables expressions came to our rescue:

  stage: integrationtest
    - withBackend
    - merge_requests
      - $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TITLE =~ /^WIP:.*/

It is as easy as that. The expression filters the merge requests by their title and the job only runs when it does not start with the WIP prefix.

Update: Newer GitLab versions use the “Draft:” prefix instead of “WIP:” by default, so to support both notations, the script needs to make use of the OR operator like this:

  stage: integrationtest
    - withBackend
    - merge_requests
      - $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TITLE =~ /^WIP:.*/ || $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TITLE =~ /^Draft:.*/