Jekyll plugin to bundle zip archives

The website for my recently published C++ book, (German), was made with the static site generator Jekyll. It contains additional information, such as the code of all projects inside the book, as well as the sample solution for the exercises at the end of each chapter.

The reason why I used a static site generator in the first place was that I had all the code files organized in a folder, equipped with a CMake file which made sure the projects compile and are statically analyzed (I used cppcheck and cpplint, albeit with a very reduced set of checks due to the nature of the code examples). In order to not destroy this automation by copy-pasting code into a CMS, the site had to be generated around the code files.

I also wanted to enable the download of all C++ files as zip archive on a per-chapter basis. Again – I did not want to manually create this archive, in case I had to change some code in the future. So I wrote a Jekyll plugin which bundles given files into a zip archive which then can be placed behind a download link.

How it is used:

Filenames as multiple parameters:

{% zip file1.txt file2.txt %}

Spaces in filenames:

{% zip file1.txt folder/file2.txt 'file with spaces.txt' %}

A variable to contain a list of files is also possible:

{% zip {{ chapter_code_files }} %}

The plugin code:

The plugin can be found here:

# frozen_string_literal: true

# Copyright 2021 by Philipp Hasper
# MIT License

require 'jekyll'
require 'zip'
# ~ gem 'rubyzip', '~>2.3.0'

module Jekyll
  # Valid syntax:
  # {% zip file1.txt file2.txt %}
  # {% zip file1.txt folder/file2.txt 'file with spaces.txt' %}
  # {% zip {{ variableName }} file1.txt 'folder/file with spaces.txt' {{ otherVariableName }} %}
  # {% zip {{ variableName }} {{ VariableContainingAList }} %}
  class ZipBundlerTag < Liquid::Tag
    VARIABLE_SYNTAX = /[^{]*(\{\{\s*[\w\-.]+\s*(\|.*)?\}\}[^\s{}]*)/mx.freeze
    CACHE_FOLDER = '.jekyll-cache/zip_bundler/'

    def initialize(tag_name, markup, tokens)
      # Split by spaces but only if the text following contains an even number of '
      # Based on
      # Extended to also not split between the curly brackets of Liquid
      # In addition, make sure the strings are stripped and not empty
      @files = markup.strip.split(/\s(?=(?:[^'}]|'[^']*'|{{[^}]*}})*$)/)

    def render(context)
      # First file is the target zip archive path
      target, files = resolve_parameters(context)
      abort 'zip tag must be called with at least two files' if files.empty?

      zipfile_path = CACHE_FOLDER + target

      # Create the archive. Delete file, if it already exists
      File.delete(zipfile_path) if File.exist?(zipfile_path), Zip::File::CREATE) do |zipfile|
        files.each do |file|
          # Two arguments:
          # - The name of the file as it will appear in the archive
          # - The original file, including the path to find it
          zipfile.add(File.basename(file), file)
      puts "Created archive #{zipfile_path}"

      # Add the archive to the site's static files
      site = context.registers[:site]
      site.static_files <<, "#{site.source}/#{CACHE_FOLDER}",
      # No rendered output

    def resolve_parameters(context)
      # Resolve the given parameters to a file list
      target, files = do |file|
        next file unless file.match(VARIABLE_SYNTAX)

        # This is a variable. Look it up.

      [target, files]

Liquid::Template.register_tag('zip', Jekyll::ZipBundlerTag)

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